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  • Claire Morrish

Peter's Crew (7-11yrs) News

Peter's Crew have their last Breakfast Church zoom this Sunday 14th February - hope to see a few more of you there - the link has been emailed to parents. To join in this week you will need a piece of bread for our prayers and a dry breakfast cereal with small pieces you can count - like cornflakes, shreddies or hoops - for our game. There are lots of crafts and games in the magazine to fill half-term if you are struggling for things to do - if you didn't get it in the post it is here to download. On 21st February we start the new series for Lent that the whole church are studying together. You will see me introducing things as part of the main online service and you will be getting a new pack in the post of things to do in the service to support us all in this study for Lent - it is here to download if it hasn't reached you by 21st. If anyone needs a Bible - let me know as we have plenty of children's bibles in the cupboard you can have. Blessings Claire - email me on


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