Welcome to Women at Holy Trinity
Our aim is to celebrate being together and offer a wide range of activities that would appeal to us and our friends. We want to share our love for Christ by demonstrating the love we have one for another.
Weekly activities include:
Bible Study - Monday mornings starting 9.30 for 10.00 – 11.00.
A chance to start the week sharing God’s word with other women; led by Rosalind –
‘(Term times only).
Contact Anne Jones (07814 136 8100) or Pauline Moore (07989 777 978) for details.
Walking Group - We meet every Tuesday at 1.30pm in term time for a 1 and a half to 2 hour walk. We then have tea and a chat at someone's house - we take it in turns to host. Friendly. Supportive. Healthy. Join us every week or just when you can. For details contact the church office or Sally Winter via church family directory."
Other events;
Women’s Breakfast/Coffee and cake - featuring speakers introducing a wide range of topics. Past subjects have included; Women in the workplace, Anti-Trafficking Charity, Mental Health Issues, Finding God in Difficult Times and Environmental issues. We always manage to make space for delicious food of some description.

Weekend Away. We try to go away every other year to enjoy being together, make new friends and grow in faith as we listen to a stimulating speaker and have time to reflect.

If you have any great ideas or want more information please email the office: office@htcd.church