Hello - well it is Palm Sunday - again!! This was the first week I made a video last year....
We have a guest in this weeks episode and we also continue our lent series thinking this week about Spirit and Community. You will need 2 plastic cups, some newspaper, sellotape and scissors to join in fully. Also don't forget to check out the Thankful Thought below. Blessings Claire xx
Thankful Thought Thursday 25th March 2021 : Palm Sunday, Spirit & Community
Luke 19 v 28-end & Acts 2
The first ever video I put on YouTube this time last year was a Palm Sunday episode of Thankful Thursdays/Jonah’s Crew – filmed in church. It feels very weird to be making another such episode a year on and bizarre to think that we are looking at “Spirit & Community” together in our Lent series as a church. It feels that our spirit of community has been challenged so much this last year.
I have tried to tell the story differently this year, mainly thanks to a puppet I have been lent for making the Unlikely Heroes videos – but it was hard wondering how to do it a second time. However I was struck by the thought if I can spend a year living in your TV/laptop to bring Good News – then nothing is impossible for God. If you had asked me last year to make a YouTube film I had no skills….what a powerful God we have – he makes a way where there seems to be no way.
How are you feeling a year on in this pandemic?
Are you feeling a little bit lost?
How is your sense of being part of a community?
Today’s story of crowds gathering to cheer their King into the city seems so far from our recent experiences but the Pentecost story of the Holy Spirit coming is perhaps more apt for reflection as the disciples were waiting in lockdown and hiding for the promised gift of a helper from Jesus. It came with the sound of rushing wind and flames that touched them all but burnt none of them. It filled them with courage and power to go out into the streets and preach Good News to people from all over the world. Those listening all heard in their own language and from that miraculous power of God the community of the church was born.
So I challenge you to call on God for his gift of the Holy Spirit to empower you to find new ways of bringing his kingdom – the community that is church to life today and this week. How can you show to those who walk by your house that you belong to the community of believers? How can you spread good news to your neighbours? Step out with courage this week using the inner super-power that is the Holy Spirit and bring community to life. God will give you the power & skills– if you ask him – be ready to be amazed at what he can do through you!
Blessings Claire xx