Welcome to Kids at HTCD!
Please click here to register your child for our Sunday Groups.
Our vision at HTCD Kids is to support parents as they raise children to be ready, equipped and willing for all that God has called them to be.
'Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.'
- Proverbs 22:6
We have a variety of weekly groups and sessions for children of all ages.

Sunday Groups
During 10.45am service | HTCD & STACC
Jonah’s, Ruth’s & Peter's crew
Each Sunday, we run Children’s groups for all ages during the service. Please click here to register your child to one of our Sunday groups.

Toddler Tuesdays
9.30am-12.30pm | STACC
For pre-schoolers and their grown-ups
Each Tuesday during term-time we meet at STACC between 9.30am-12.30pm to share play, chat over a cuppa & lunch, share songs, stories & parachute play.
Thankful Thursdays
9.30am-11am | HTCD
For beginners, pre-schoolers and their grown-ups
Each Thursday in term-time we meet at HTCD at 9.30am for worship, prayer and bible stories for beginners, pre-schoolers and their parents/carers. This is followed by conversation, craft and prayer over a cuppa, along with a thankful thought for parents to take away.
Holiday Clubs & Events
Seasonal each year | HTCD & STACC
Children of all ages
We mark Christmas and Easter with fun activities, parties and host a Light Party on 31st October. During the Summer holidays, we run holiday clubs for children! It is running every Friday throughout the state school holidays, book sessions by going to the events page and finding this image. check out previous holidays clubs by visiting the YouTube videos here.

Collective Worship
Combe Down Primary School
On Wednesday afternoons, we take an "Open the Book" team into school to lead Collective Worship which involves telling a bible story in an interactive way. We also support the provision of themed prayer spaces for the children and support their religious education programme. The school celebrates at the end of term with Collective Worship services at HTCD church. If you would like to train to join our "Open the Book" team do email Claire.

MaD Club (Make a Difference)
Come Down Primary School
Each week we run MaD Club at Combe Down Primary School at lunchtimes for Keystage 2 children who want to work together to Make a Difference to others. Projects have include Toilet Twinning & Send a Cow. We are currently in the process of creating a link between Combe Down School and a school in Uganda.
If you would like to find out more about HTCD Kids or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact our Children’s Minister, Claire Morrish, below: