Unfortunately face to face youth provision is shut down till further notice.
However we would really like to keep in contact with you and the young people. So we will be creating youth resources on the website from next week with a weekly talk under the youth page (there will be a link to follow).
To support young people I plan to send out regular suggestions for things to read and scriptures to study, so they have spiritual input and can grow through this time. To this end I would like to ask for your permission for me to contact your young person direct through txt.
Please send me their number if you agree that this is ok. This will be stored on a church youth phone only able to be used by myself and checked by my line manager when needed.
We pray that through this time you are able to keep safe and your families.
The Ashbury Hotel trip is currently on hold until we are able to make an informed decision as to whether it is safe to go ahead. Likewise the mission trip to Albania.
God bless you Stu and all of the youth group. Whilst not strictly a youth matter, if any one wants some maths or science learning resources whilst off school do please give me a shout on mascjb@bath.ac.uk or 0755 400 1933 .
God bless
Chris Budd