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Wild About Bath Photography Competition


Wild about Bath, started by Ann Stuart and Christine Absolon to ‘Enjoy Nature, Conserve Wildlife and Build Community’ is again holding a Photograpy Competition to be held at Harvest in Holy Trinity Church. All the details can be found below, taken from the Wild About Bath website. In this early Summer season, there is a lot of new life to photograph, so keep Wild about Bath in mind! 😊

The very successful Wild about Bath Photography Competition is on again this year!  Enter your lovely photos of wildlife in Combe Down, Monkton Combe, South Stoke, and the surrounding area.

There are two different categories for you to enter:

Celebrating the diversity of nature in our local area

Wild animals, plants, fungi, lichens, etc.  See what you can find out there.

Supporting nature in our local area

For example, this could be how insect hotels are helping bees; the creatures making homes and thriving in our compost heaps and ponds; hedgehogs using our hedgehog corridors. The options are wide!


There are three age categories:

  • Children under 12

  • Youth from 12 to 18

  • Adults

How to Enter

Please download the entry form here: Wild About Bath Photography Competition entry form

Please print and complete one form for each photograph entry.

The photos will be on display on Sunday 22nd September at Holy Trinity Church, Combe Down. The photos will be exhibited for the morning services and then the winners will be announced in the afternoon when the display can be seen at leisure with tea and cake served from 2:00 to 3:30.

Important notes:

  • Entries are to be of local wild plants, fungi, or animals

  • You can enter 3 photos per person

  • Photos are to be A4 (10in x 8in) or smaller and printed

  • Please ensure you have completed the entry form and submit one form for each entry

  • Please don’t mount your own photos

Photos and entry forms should be delivered to the Church Rooms, 2A Avenue Place, BA2 5EE no later than Thursday evening, 19th September. Larger photos can be handed into the church office (opening hours 9:30 to 12:30) or smaller photos through the letter box.

Winners will be announced on Sunday 22nd September at 3:00.

If you would like to have your photos returned, please collect them from Holy Trinity Church [time and date to be announced as photos may be displayed elsewhere after the competition]

Each category and age group will have a prize for the winner, and there will be a People’s Choice winner.

Do start snapping, it will be great to see lots of your amazing pictures!

If you have any queries, contact

By Christine Absolon


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