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Malc Morgan

Fox Hill Outreach

Volunteers from St. Andrew's Community Church are aiming to reach out to residents living in the 973 houses on the Fox Hill estate with door-to-door visits, with the intention of building relationships with the local community.

Malc Morgan, Senior Associate Minister of St. Andrew's, said that “as a community church our desire is to be outward looking. We’d love to know what the needs of our local residents are in order to better serve the community, as well as to communicate the love of Jesus and let locals know that the Church is here for them.”

The idea was proposed by Simon G, and utilises ideas from the ‘Jesus At The Door’ evangelistic tool. He and his group of 12 volunteers have knocked on the doors of around two thirds of homes in Fox Hill so far. Some amazing interactions and conversations have been had, with some joining the mother and toddler group, others interested in attending Sunday services, and several praying commitment prayers and being followed up - as well as lots of highly encouraging and open faith conversations in general.

Without fail those who have been door-knocking have expressed how ‘easy’ it was to do in the end, how surprisingly open most people were, and how they were happy to have conquered their fears in stepping out of their comfort zones and going out to meet people where they’re at.

Do pray for the team as they continue their visits in the coming weeks; for good conversations, lasting relationships to be built, for God to lead them to people who are open to hearing about Jesus, and for the right words when the Holy Spirit prompts to take the conversation further.


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