International mission partners
Support for overseas and cross-cultural mission is coordinated by the International Mission Team (IMT). The team look after our International Mission Partners, administer our links with our partner organisations, look at applications for short term mission trips and run Onesimus. The IMT will look at any suggestions for new projects and partners - Those with strong links to the church family are most likely to be successful in receiving support. Each autumn we also run a ‘Mission Weekend’ where we engage in fund-raising events, preaching and review the organisations that the church supports.
We support long-term Partners working in:
Romania: Pastor Otto and Pastor Atilla, serving through Belief in Action
Albania: Paul & Albana, serving with Open Air Campaigners
Kenya: The Turning Point Trust.
Kenya: Tim & Christian serving through Revival Fire Ministries Latest Update
Tanzania: Ben & Katy at Neema Crafts / Church Mission Society Latest Update
Philippines: Malcolm & Meme in Kinuman
Zambia: David & Sarah serving through the Chengelo Educational Trust
UK: Sarah & Gerard working with OMF to send missions overseas
Mission trips
If you are interested in a short-term mission (from a week to 2 years, a gap year or summer vacation trips) please contact us at the earliest opportunity for support, prayer and practical advice. For some trips the IMT a grant may be available. We would love to help you discover God’s will for you in mission.
We also support a range of UK and International mission partners in prayer. A prayer diary is produced 4 times a year and is available at the back of church or from the church office. It contains news on all our partners and key prayer points.
The International Mission Team also holds bi-monthly prayer meetings. These usually take place on a weekday evening from 7:30pm-9pm. Dates and locations for these meetings are in HTCD’s weekly notice sheet in the two weeks prior to the meeting. We warmly welcome anyone who has a heart to keep fuelling the valuable work of Christ all over the world!
To get in touch with the IMT about any of the above or to volunteer for the team please get in touch with the church office: