Creation Care
Creation Care in our mission
'For God so loved the world (in the Greek, ‘cosmos’) that he gave his one and only Son,
at whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16)
In seeking, as God’s image-bearers, to love the whole of Creation as God loves it, Christians pray and work towards human well-being in a flourishing, just and sustainable world, holding out hope for the future into eternity.
'If we say that "Jesus is Lord", the most basic Christian confession, then all that his lordship includes becomes part of our vocation and mission. Biodiversity loss matters, first and foremost because all things were made "by and for" Jesus Christ, "hold together" in him, and are included in the "all things" covered by his death and resurrection (Colossians 1:15-20).
Climate change is a missional concern both because it affects the "least of these" (Matthew 25:40-45) most severely, and because it prevents God’s creation from flourishing and from worshipping its Creator.’
Dave Bookless, ‘Making a World of Difference’
This short booklet is available to download here - https://www.renewourworld.net/making
‘Creation points us to God. It is part of our everyday life to look after what he has made.’
Ann Stuart, co-founder of Wild About Bath
How can you be involved?
Whether you are an ‘eco warrior’ or are wanting to start out in a small way, there is an abundance of resources to help spark your imagination.
Christian Action for the Environment BANES, or CafeBANES, meets regularly for information, discussion and mutual encouragement. Contact Ian Souter for further information souterfam@aol.com
Practical resources:
Gallery of God's Creation
With particular thanks to:
Peter Harris
Megan James
Katie Machell
Sue Monk
Simon Stuart
Ann Stuart
David le Tall