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Easter Adventure


Last Friday Holy Trinity hosted an interactive Easter adventure at Royal Victoria Park, Bath. Children from our church, from several others and many walk-ins joined together to walk around an interactive course filled with volunteer actors playing the key scenes from the Easter story.

We gave out over nearly 150 eggs, and received glowing reviews from many people who attended.

"Just to say a massive thankyou for the event you and the other churches put on in the park on Friday! I thought the welcome, the organization, the acting, the engagement with the kids, the chocolate at the end, the stamping system, were all exceptional. And so generous to give out eggs too. And so accessible for non Christian families too...I was thoroughly impressed at how well the whole thing was done, and felt really blessed to be able to share that experience with my kids. Especially brilliant were the man doing the entrance to Jerusalem, the ladies doing the last supper, the disciple in the garden of gethsemane and the ladies at the tomb! They even rolled with my sons interesting interjections and answering back!" - A parent.


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