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HTCD reaches out to the city and across the UK in a wide variety of mission services.


Mission Partners are sent from our congregation with full practical and financial support and are contacted regularly for updates and prayer requests.


Mission Links are made through organisations and individuals with prayer support and regular or occasional gifts. Funding allocation is decided through a biannual survey involving the whole church family.  


The UK Missions Team’s role is to look after these ministries. The team can be contacted through the church office or via the ministry head in the church family directory.


Our Partners in Bath :


Our Partners Nationally:

  • The Anchor Project: working with vulnerable people in Bradford, Yorkshire including refugees and asylum seekers.

  • Unseen: working with victims of trafficking and modern-day slavery.


Our Links:


  • Bath City Pastors:  connecting with vulnerable people on the streets day and night.

  • Good News for Everyone:  teaching and distributing Bibles into schools, hotels and hospitals. Online videos for youth work.


Mission trips

If you are interested in a short-term mission (from a week to 2 years, including gap year and summer vacation trips) please contact the church office to connect to the UKMT as grants may be available.


Called to mission? If you feel a call to mission, whether it be a ‘short-term’ trip or more of a ‘long-term’ vocation, please contact us at the earliest opportunity for support, prayer and practical advice. We would love to help you discover God’s will for you in mission.



We also support a range of UK and International mission partners in prayer. A prayer diary is produced 4 times a year and is available at the back of the church or from the church office It is also available through the link in the news sheet to be downloaded.  The news sheet contains a section for weekly updates from our partners and links to add to your daily prayers.

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