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Creation Care 

What is an Eco Church?

‘Any church that reflects the biblical picture of what a church should be is an Eco Church.’ Jo Swinney


Such a church congregation understands its redeemed relationship is with God, with one another and with the earth itself (Romans 8: 18-22) and it cares for creation as a sign of hope to the world. 


Today, A Rocha's Eco Church challenge with its gold, silver and bronze awards is spreading around the world. In the UK, the vision is to create a network of churches across England and Wales as local centres of creation care for a brighter environmental future.


Visit the dedicated Eco Church website here


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David Le Tall

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How can we be involved?


Our goal is to live sustainably on God’s earth, as individuals and as a church community.


The Eco Church survey and award scheme offers help. 

Can we advance from bronze to a silver award?

Check the survey here


Action points: 

  • Using green energy in our church buildings 

  • Being responsible in waste disposal, lighting, use of cars, and in our individual lifestyles 

  • Seeing that our grounds are wildlife friendly and celebrate the beauty of nature’s cycles

  • Learning about and teaching on creation and the environment, especially in children’s and youth groups

  • Joining one of the many local environmental charities or organisations 

  • Forming a team in HT and in StACC to research and help to implement innovations in this area

  • Celebrating God’s good creation in our services and worship


Where would you like to be involved? 


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