Creation Care
What is an Eco Church?
‘Any church that reflects the biblical picture of what a church should be is an Eco Church.’ Jo Swinney
Such a church congregation understands its redeemed relationship is with God, with one another and with the earth itself (Romans 8: 18-22) and it cares for creation as a sign of hope to the world.
Today, A Rocha's Eco Church challenge with its gold, silver and bronze awards is spreading around the world. In the UK, the vision is to create a network of churches across England and Wales as local centres of creation care for a brighter environmental future.
Visit the dedicated Eco Church website here
David Le Tall
How can we be involved?
Our goal is to live sustainably on God’s earth, as individuals and as a church community.
The Eco Church survey and award scheme offers help.
Can we advance from bronze to a silver award?
Check the survey here
Action points:
Using green energy in our church buildings
Being responsible in waste disposal, lighting, use of cars, and in our individual lifestyles
Seeing that our grounds are wildlife friendly and celebrate the beauty of nature’s cycles
Learning about and teaching on creation and the environment, especially in children’s and youth groups
Joining one of the many local environmental charities or organisations
Forming a team in HT and in StACC to research and help to implement innovations in this area
Celebrating God’s good creation in our services and worship
Where would you like to be involved?