Sunday Services
A warm welcome from all the people worshipping at
Holy Trinity Church, Combe Down
St Andrew’s Community Church, Foxhill, Combe Down
St James the Great, South Stoke
St Michael's Church, Monkton Combe
You are invited to join any (or all) of the services. Below are the usual service times; but please do check on the calendar page for service times this week and any extra events. We look forward to meeting you!
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH - Church Road, Combe Down, Bath, BA2 5JJ
09.00 - A Contemporary Service with communion twice a month (no separate children’s provision)
10:45 - A Contemporary service with children’s and youth work (Communion approximately once a month)
- Sermons are available as a podcast, posted weekly on the website and Spotify.
18.00 - The Six: An Evening Service with worship and a separate sermon series.
- Sermons are available as a podcast, posted weekly on the website and Spotify.
ST ANDREW’S COMMUNITY CHURCH - Hawthorn Grove, Combe Down, Bath, BA2 5QA
10:00 – Café style tea and toast, then at 10.30 an informal & contemporary service
16.30 – Messy Church on the second Sunday of each month
19.00 – Open Space - Freestyle Worship and Praise usually on the last Sunday of each month in term time
09.30 - First and Third Sundays - A traditional service with communion.
09.30 - Second Sundays Morning Prayer
16.30 - Second Sundays tea and cake followed at 17.00 by a Celtic style service
09.30 - Fourth Sundays either Morning Prayer or an All Age Service
9.30am - Fouth
11.00 - A traditional service with communion on the second Sunday of the month.