This Thursday 9th September - Thankful Thursday is back at the slightly earlier time of 9.30am at Holy Trinity Church.
We will be worshiping, praying and hearing the very beginning of God's story together.
There will then be crafts and cafe time for us to share.
I do hope to see you there - but if you can't make it I hope to post each weeks Thankful Thoughts for the grown-ups here too. I hope they bless you too as you care for or parent little ones.
Here is the first Thankful thought of the term:
Thankful Thought : Genesis 1 : Let there be light! Thursday 9th Sept 2021
Welcome back to the new term and the new time – hope 9.30am will work for us all as it will give us a full hour and a half before the 11am service begins to be together.
How are you doing? Are you keeping up now things are opening up or are you feeling somewhat all at sea? Our passage today from the very beginning of the bible seems very appropriate at such a point as this. Verse 2 resonates with the covid experience : ”The earth was empty and had no form. Darkness covered the ocean,” We have been through a season that was strangely empty of many things and lacked the usual form of rota’s to be filled and appointments to be attended and the darkness of a pandemic covered all the oceans and the lands!
However the verse continues “God’s spirit was moving over the water”
In what ways have you sensed God’s spirit moving over the covid season. In what new ways have you felt or sensed His Holy Spirit working in your life? These opening verses remind us that even when all seems to be empty and dark – God is still very present and his Spirit is working. Rather like the chorus of the worship song Way-maker, “Even when I don't see that You're working, Even when I don't feel that You're working, You never stop, You never stop working.”
Then the passage continues and God says: “Let there be light! The sky and the sea are created on day 2 and then on day 3 land and sea are separated. I love the fact that the first things God makes are the essentials of a beach – Sun, sky, sea and land. I love being on a beach the whole rhythm of the tides, the energy of the waves, the view of the sky and the distant horizon. I find it is a great place to reconnect with God and the way his created world keeps going. I particularly love the clean sand as the tide retreats and you are left with a beautiful clean canvas ready for footprints.
I feel like we are at that kind of moment now – covid I really hope – like a tide is retreating and we can step out onto a clean canvas of life and being together again to worship and we can leave a whole new set of footprints. Where will you go? Who will you walk alongside? What stories of the Spirit moving and God at work will you hear and share?
Welcome back to Thankful Thursday – so glad you are here.
Blessings Claire xx